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      Sunday, November 08, 2009

08:26 AM - 11/08/2009

The topic: On a less stinky note


Earlier this year, I started adding a can of Friskies to the nightly can of California Naturals, thinking the extra canned food would be a welcome addition to the nightly meal.

I didn’t think too much of it until last month.  I remember one of the petsitters remarking that Jackie’s poop was really nasty, because it was so runny.

But when I’d clean out litterboxes, there was a lot of loose stool.  And in the yard, there was a lot of loose stool. And in the morning, the food bowls weren’t emptied so, adding the Friskies was obviously just a waste.

I quit adding Friskies when we got back from Disneyland last month. And I cut back on how much water I added.  And I didn’t put as much dry into it as I had been. 

And the bowls were empty in the morning.  Every morning. And the stools got firmer.  Instead of the stuff I’d been finding in the litterboxes, I found those nicely formed stools as we expect from a healthy cat. And I watched Jackie poop.  Each time, it was a little less loose (it had been close to water).  And he’s starting to fill out again.  He’s looking better.

Friskies?  I still have it. Kirby likes it, he gets a can a day.  And we feed it to KittyMeeze, he doesn’t have problems with it.

But I’m not adding it to their dinner any longer. Because not every cat can handle it.

And I’ve found that the only food we’ve got on hand that doesn’t upset Miss Elizabeth’s functions, is Fancy Feast Tuna Feast.  I buy it by the case at Wal-Mart.  She likes it.  She eats it. She doesn’t puke it up. And it doesn’t run out the other end.

I think we’ve found a balance.  A healthy cat is a happy cat.  Well, for the most part anyway.

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lisaviolet is seventy something, married with no kids, takes care of lots of cats, likes taking photographs, loves Southern California weather and spends altogether too much time avoiding her responsibilities.

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