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      Sunday, November 01, 2009

12:51 PM - 11/01/2009

The topic: My poor, poor nose


The inside of my nose really hurts. The humidity here is 17%.  The repeated blowing of my nose has dried the inside of my nose out, badly.  You know, when you get a little bit of blood on the tissue from the little broken capillaries or whatever and you get little tiny scabs inside the nose that when they dry pull on the skin. Scabs are not at all stretchy.

I’ve put lotion up there, it helped, but didn’t last long. 

Last week I put Neosporin up there. Major, major mistake, what a horrid smelling ointment.  It doesn’t smell on your finger, but it sure smells in your nose. This morning I tried some Vicks.

I seriously thought I was going to puke.  I got a couple of Q-tips out and got them wet, put some Method liquid soap on them and washed out the interior of my nose.  I rinsed it out thoroughly.  The Vicks smell is gone.  But just to make sure I didn’t keep smelling it (you know how smells can be) I spritzed a little Shalimar on my left wrist. And if I think I smell any of the Vicks, I’ll just sniff my wrist.

I hate being sick.

You should get some saline nasal spray…it will keep everything up there nice and moist smile

Posted by MandyB @ Monday, November 02, 2009 - 6:41:14 AM

Speaking of saline spray - how about a neti pot? My allergist recommended using that for rinsing the insides of the nose. It gently takes out the mucus and allergens, clears sinuses and keeps things moist in there. I use it almost every day and I definitely feel better on days, I have used it. It is an old Indian method ... Check these websites:


good luck with kicking this virus.  Oh, by the way, I find that using Puffs Plus tissue is much easier on the outside of the nose than the regular tissues.

Posted by Neta @ Monday, November 02, 2009 - 6:57:39 AM

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lisaviolet is seventy something, married with no kids, takes care of lots of cats, likes taking photographs, loves Southern California weather and spends altogether too much time avoiding her responsibilities.

In her spare time, she makes pretty things to sell in her store.

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