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      Wednesday, June 12, 2019

08:58 AM - 06/12/2019

The topic: More recent stuff


I got sidetracked the other day.

So, I'm all caught up on paperwork. I was caught up at the end of last month. Last week, last month's bank statement got here, we had a couple of payments and shipped some orders. New accounts set up, invoices generated, printed and filed, and last night, I reconciled last month's bank statement. And everything we've paid for so far this month has been entered into the software. 

Caught up.

Sunday, I finally planted seeds. Two types of tomatoes (Indigo and Beefsteak) and two types of bell peppers. They're in big tubs in the front yard. Brian put some fencing over them to keep the birds out. When they start to grow, he'll take them into the backyard. I don't think out front is safe, we have wild bunnies.

They were watered by the bank sprinklers yesterday and this morning, I went out and hand watered them. I hope they grow.

I've vacuumed already.

We went to CostCo on Monday. My first time shopping since last year. It wore me out. I'm sure the heat (103°) didn't help. We've had some hot days this week.

Yesterday we only did the half walk (did I mention I'm up to a little over a half a mile a day?).  I'm hoping to do over a mile by the end of the month. Activity helps with the pain, which is from stiffness more than anything else. Getting out of bed in the morning, standing up after sitting for any length of time...

Life is getting back to the normal of a couple of years ago. That's a good thing.


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lisaviolet is seventy something, married with no kids, takes care of lots of cats, likes taking photographs, loves Southern California weather and spends altogether too much time avoiding her responsibilities.

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