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      Monday, June 15, 2020

02:57 PM - 06/15/2020

The topic: May you live in interesting times.


Yeah, no thanks. I'm just tired all of the time. Tired. I want to go to Barbeque Pit and have a chicken sandwich and fries. I want to give the bun to Brian so he can make two sandwiches out of his one (they put that much meat on them). I want to be able to leave the house (which I've done all of....let's see....vet visit for Mario's blood pressure, vet visit for Mario' followup blood pressure and Ike new kitty checkup and last Wednesday for Ike's neuter and then to pick him up...so five times, in the car) and not have to wear the face mask. It's so uncomfortable. At the vet's I had it on and around my neck so I could quickly pull it up. I wear it when we walk in the morning, but we never come within six feet of people, so I never need to cover my face. This morning, I had started sweating so I ended up using it as a headband (I had my hair down, it got hot). I don't like it. But I think I prefer being uncomfortable to being really sick or really dead.

I'm really pretty lucky, though, Brian does all of the grocery shopping. He's the one who picks up the cat meds. He's the one who gets us food that isn't prepared here (a lot less take out these past few months). The end of last week, I was feeling pretty crappy. Allergies finally hit, Benedryl taken to knock out the pressure in my right ear and the teeth grinding that went along with it. Unfortunately, it also knocked me out and I slept quite a bit. Finally started feeling human, get back from our walk Friday morning and I started feeling VERY crappy. I had a fever of 101.8° at one point. Chills. And I spent most of the day on the sofa, covered in a light blanket, sleeping. Poor Brian was concerned maybe I got sick from something he brought in, I didn't think it was anything horrible, most likely a twenty-four hour thing. But where did I get it? Mail? Brian? I'll never know for sure, but I'm feeling better.

And, I'll be honest here. I will wear the mask. I will stay home. Brian will take precautions. We will not be one of the statistics. We don't understand why everything was opened up so quickly. Well, yeah, we do, us Muricans are entitled to get what we want when we wanted, muh freedom, don't take away muh freedom. Except a lot of those "freedoms" depend on someone who maybe SHOULDN'T be out about, or at work because they have bills to pay and a family to feed. The food servers. The hairdressers. The manicurists. The bartenders. The grocery workers. Putting their health and lives on the line because some people just can't stand the idea of thinking of someone else for a change. Me, me, me, it's all about me. It really does tire me out, just thinking about all the selfish, entitled people who don't really give a crap about anyone else. I just don't get it.


So, Ike moves in on May 30th. He has his first vet visit on June 2. He had a physical and was tested for disease. He was fine, just an ear infection, which he's getting meds for. And the vet called in an prescription for Xanax, because there is a lot of fighting going on. Nooby, Spot and Pancho mostly. Nooby is the worst of the bunch.

Mario's blood pressure was tested and it was perfect. The new human medication is working for him (by the way, we just realized at some point in the past year or so, he also lost his hearing). Yay! He's definitely been a little more active.

When we got home, I made an appointment for Ike's neuter. It happened last Wednesday. They sent pain meds home with him, but when a cat is active and I'm reluctant to contain them, as I would be with Ike, I prefer to not give the pain meds (for something like a neuter) because hopefully the pain will help keep him from being active. He's doing fine now. This morning, he was actually in the house when Brian was dishing up their breakfast. That's a first. He didn't stick around long, but he was part of the gang for maybe five minutes.

Rachel isn't doing well. She was horribly dehydrated yesterday morning and I've been giving her fluids. She got 40cc yesterday morning, 60cc last night and another 60cc this morning. She takes them well. She's on Calcitriol for here kidneys, so, I know how this is eventually going to work out. Hopefully, the fluids will help perk her up and she'll be more comfortable for a while.

Remember when we got Ike and I mentioned the fence? Well, the past few weeks, we've had a visitor at night. A raccoon has been coming in and eating cat food in the garage. And washing paws in the water bowl. Every morning, the cat bowl has to be cleaned. Saturday night, I saw the critter in the backyard and I thought he couldn't get out and that's why he's been in the garage and also eating avocados, leaving skin and seed (and it also explains how avocado skins are ending up in the pool). So, I got all the cats in, blocked the doors so they couldn't get out, Brian opened both gates and it took about ten minutes for the raccoon to leave.

The odd thing was Brian said there must be two, because there was no way the critter made it through the gate and up onto the top of the fence in the time he turned around. He swore it hadn't gone out through the bottom. Whatever, as long as it was out of the yard and free to go home to the fam, I really didn't care.

The water bowl was clean Sunday morning.

Fast forward to this morning. Dirty water bowl. What the hell? Guess we'll just be feeding another mouth.

So, there are some trees that are growing at the side of the bank, they've been there for a while, but they really need to go. They're getting big enough that they'll be strong enough to be climbed. And we're looking at them this morning and Brian says "hey, look at this".  It's the wire fencing that we use for a barrier to keep the cats in. And right there, where the wire has been weakened over the years from the gates being open, is a big hole. The welds had gotten bad enough at that juncture, that they could just be pulled apart. Yeah, okay. Got it now.

That'll be fixed by the end of today, as well as the trees being cut down.

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lisaviolet is seventy something, married with no kids, takes care of lots of cats, likes taking photographs, loves Southern California weather and spends altogether too much time avoiding her responsibilities.

In her spare time, she makes pretty things to sell in her store.

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