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      Monday, March 05, 2012

03:06 PM - 03/05/2012

The topic: Little Bit is at the vet’s


And I’m afraid we’re losing her.

I noticed her throwing up Saturday.  But didn’t think much of it.  She’s a feral cat, one we’ve never touched.

This morning I noticed her standing over the water bowls. She’d go from one to another. At one point, I saw her thinking about getting a drink out of the pool.

I got her back in the house. Because I’d seen her head wobbling. I didn’t want her to fall in. All day I’ve kept a watch on her and about an hour ago, she jumped down from the cat tunnel she sleeps in and was very unsteady on her feet. I got down and tried to get her, she went into a cat condo and I reached my hand in. She hissed, but didn’t slap or bite. And I stroked her, she was shivering. It’s hot here today.

She jetted out of the condo, slipping on the floor and made it into the bedroom and ran under the bed. I shut the door and yelled for Brian to grab the carrier. He brought it in and she ran under a stool that was blocked on two sides by a wall and furniture. We blocked the other exit so her only way out was the carrier.  I called our vet, but the line was busy, so I just took her in.

I don’t know if she’ll be coming home.

I’m thinking it might be her kidneys shutting down.

Poor Little Bit, she’s so scared.

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lisaviolet is seventy something, married with no kids, takes care of lots of cats, likes taking photographs, loves Southern California weather and spends altogether too much time avoiding her responsibilities.

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