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      Wednesday, March 25, 2020

10:24 AM - 03/25/2020
The current weather is cloudy and cool

The topic: Life goes on


Since Brian works from home now and I've been at home for decades, the stay at home order hasn't much affected us. Honestly, the only adverse thing I can say about how our lives has changed is a limit on bacon at Costco (not that we got more than one package, four pounds) at a time, and Costco having run out of Little Bitty Dog's food that he prefers. The first food Brian got him last year was a case of pate type food, two varieties; one chicken and rice, the other lamb and rice. I'd planned on taking it to the vet since LBD didn't care much for it. He liked the stew food, the turkey food.

Well, we're down to one can of that so I tried the lamb/rice and he ate that. The next time I gave him the rest of that can and added water. Nope. Huh uh. Not gonna touch that. The same thing with the chicken/rice combination. Last night, I tried the lamb/rice without water and he ate it. He finished that can this morning, so I think we should have enough for at least ten days.

Purina made the bonehead (in my opinion) decision to quit making 13 oz cans of Friskies, so boo. Now the cats get three 5.5 oz cans at night instead of one 13 oz can and one 5.5 oz can to add a little variety to the flavors.

The cats seem to be doing okay. Lorelei hasn't had another seizure.

When Nancy and her daughter visited last month, I offered to make Nancy a hot air balloon. I like how it turned out. I haven't given it to her yet because of the stay away from people order.

She picked out the color and I ran with that. The floral panels I printed from a digital paper file I bought on Etsy.

I bought a bunch of dies from leathernecker.com and one of those was the sweetest little puzzle die. Two inches square. I spent two days trying to make a puzzle with it. It worked fine on cardstock, but add a thin sheet of chipboard and that sucker wouldn't cut. I wasted over half of the two sided adhesive sheets I had because I didn't take the time to make sure it would work before getting all of the pieces ready. I really know better than that.

The weather has been just flat out crummy for the past month. Gloomy. It rained before I took the photo of the balloon and it was taken just before the rain started again. Yesterday was pretty nice, it was nice on our walk this morning, but now it's cloudy again and the rain is supposed to start later today. A cold storm, they're calling for snow in the local mountains. Bleh.

We started walking again yesterday, after not having gone since before the time change. It was too dark when we usually walked and then the weather wasn't cooperating. It was really nice to get out there again. So quiet. Usually we can hear the freeway traffic, it sounds like a river in the distance. But just quiet this week.

Anyway, that's about it. Nothing much else has gone on. Like Mike says in the Hitman's Bodyguard "boring is good".

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lisaviolet is seventy something, married with no kids, takes care of lots of cats, likes taking photographs, loves Southern California weather and spends altogether too much time avoiding her responsibilities.

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