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      Sunday, February 27, 2005

07:40 AM - 02/27/2005

The topic: KittyMeezer is back!


Sunday, February 27, 2005  Around 9:30 last night, I shut down the computer and went into the family room to lay on the sofa and smurgle with some kitties.  I looked out the window and saw a shadow.  I opened the window and low and behold, it was KittyMeezer at the food bowls.  Oddly, he was eating facing the gate, with his back to the door.  Usually, it’s the other way around, so something must have happened to spook him Friday night.

He’s still here this morning.  I’d post more, but we’re going to Trader Joe’s to get bananas and some of that cat food (providing they’ve got some, the last time we went, they were out).  I weighed DeeJay yesterday and he’s lost a half of a pound.  That’s a lot when you remember how long it took him to put it on.  So, I restarted him on the Pepcid and now we’re going to see about getting more food for him.  He likes it with water on it.  He is eating, but he’s not putting on weight.

So, more later.

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lisaviolet is seventy something, married with no kids, takes care of lots of cats, likes taking photographs, loves Southern California weather and spends altogether too much time avoiding her responsibilities.

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