This morning I got a right complete face washing. First time since he's been here he was that thorough.
The first few days he was here, I slept on the loveseat, he was on the sofa. Around the end of the week, he wasn't as anxious about my whereabouts and I could leave the room when he was sleeping and he stayed put. So, I went back to bed.
I would hear him in the morning when we started to stir, his little name tag jingling when he walked. We've got his feeding schedule down and, until this morning, he'd never barked.
This morning's bark was brought to you by Charlie Ahole getting a little too close to the food bowl. There was the initial growling, then the barking. Charlie took note and Jingles ate in peace. What's funny is Jingles doesn't clean the bowl and it's got food in it for a while and the cats have absolutely no interest in it. Why they sit and watch him eat is beyond me. Rory does the same thing.
Silly cats.
We don't take him on our walks, he needs his own walk. He stops and sniffs and sniffs and sniffs and we'd never get home. At least not in a timely manner.
We love him.