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      Wednesday, September 13, 2017

03:43 PM - 09/13/2017

The topic: It’s so dark in the morning


I'd rather have my light in the morning than at night. I'm an early riser. I don't do much in the evening and it most always cools off at night after the sun goes down. Yeah, I'm okay with cooler.

Last week, I was outside after six in the morning, but before six thirty. And the moon looked pretty cool going down behind the hill. I ran in, grabbed the camera and went back out to snap some pictures. I set it on top of the swing so I didn't move it and the moon would be sharp. Imagine my irritation when the flash went off. So, I took another one. Yay, me!  I didn't disable the flash!

Third time is a charm, no flash on the last photo.

Imagine my surprise at how cool the photo WITH flash turned out. The first is with the flash, the second is without, just natural light. These were taken less than ten seconds apart. Oh, yeah, I almost forgot to mention, clicking on a picture will take you to a bigger photo in my family album; clicking on that picture will open a larger photo.

A happy, accidental happenstance. The moon actually was that reddish color. The photo with flash was more true than the one without.



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lisaviolet is seventy something, married with no kids, takes care of lots of cats, likes taking photographs, loves Southern California weather and spends altogether too much time avoiding her responsibilities.

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