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      Friday, December 20, 2019

08:11 AM - 12/20/2019

The topic: It’s been pretty cold here in the morning


And I don't want to leave the house for our morning walks. It's really hard for me to get out the door. Even though I'm always happy we went, it's so hard to get out that door.

So, Wednesday it was too cold. I didn't wanna go. Brian said "okay, but you will to Costco when I go shopping later...."  Oh. Kay.

But, we didn't go!

Yesterday morning, I was feeling a little light headed (it happens every so often in the morning, not sure if it's low blood sugar or being a little dehydrated). Anyway, we didn't go walking.

But we did go to Costco.

We (I) were (was) so bad. But, hey, it's the holiday season. When else can you get a four pack of different kinds of Almond Roca? Or this can of Starbucks Chocolately Cookie Straws? Or this fruitcake? The chocolate covered almonds are always there.

Yeah. I was bad. So, yesterday afternoon, I moved all of these (well, not the fruitcake, not yet) to the freezer in the garage. Good thing I defrosted it last month. Hopefully, they'll last well into next year.

The fruitcake (I love fruitcake with nuts, don't judge me) was kind of a disappointment. There was more fruit than cake. And the nuts were pecan halves on the top only, not chopped and in the cake. But that's okay, I'll survive. I plan on cutting it into single serving size pieces and using the Foodsaver to package the individual pieces and freeze them. Brian isn't a fan of fruitcake, so I need to do something with it (and no, putting it in the trash is NOT an option, so just keep that advice to yourself), besides eat it all week.


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lisaviolet is seventy something, married with no kids, takes care of lots of cats, likes taking photographs, loves Southern California weather and spends altogether too much time avoiding her responsibilities.

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