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      Thursday, August 09, 2018

10:27 AM - 08/09/2018

The topic: It’s been hot


There have been five "reduce your use" days from our local energy company in the past two weeks. It you use less than X amount of energy during the hours of two and six in the afternoon, you'll get a credit on your bill. It's not much, but we do it.

But that means not running the air conditioner (which we don't do anyway, because money) and Brian basically stops working in his shop. For him, that's two hours of work time wasted (he stops at four every weekday because the cost of our energy goes up at four, what they consider "peak" usage).

But this heat has been unrelenting. We turn on the attic fan in the garage to try to get the heat out when we get up and turn on the whole house fan at the same time, to bring some of the cooler outside night air, inside. I shut them off at eight am. Because money. I'd rather order rhinestone beads from Hong Kong for ten bucks than be comfortable for a couple of hours during the day, you know? The news folk say next week this high pressure should be gone and we'll be back in the eighties. I sure hope so. I hate having the house closed up to keep the house cooler, the air is just stagnant, even with all of the ceiling fans spinning at high.

So, when it's hot, I don't feel like doing much. It's hard to concentrate. The cats seem to be okay with it, Brian keeps the shady spots in the year watered down so the cats will have cool places to hang out. They have discovered the tile floors and we'll find them laying on the floors during the day and evening.

Brian talked with an ONtrack delivery guy last night and he said "we only have two seasons now; winter and summer".  Yeah, it sure seems like that.

At least we have the pool usable. I don't go in during the day, but I do in the evenings. Just to cool off. It's nice.

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lisaviolet is seventy something, married with no kids, takes care of lots of cats, likes taking photographs, loves Southern California weather and spends altogether too much time avoiding her responsibilities.

In her spare time, she makes pretty things to sell in her store.

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