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      Saturday, January 27, 2018

02:14 PM - 01/27/2018

The topic: It’s been a hairy couple of weeks


I was contacting my provider a couple of times a day.

When code had been added to a file that should have been safe, I freaked out. When a new index.php had been added that same day and I knew damned well it hadn't been there the day before, I sent a fairly long message.

Besides the two issues above, I also mentioned the fact that the memory usage was still much higher than it had been before the attack. I got a response that this was being checked into.

Sometime, overnight, the usage dropped back to normal, where it's been ever since.

I deleted a bunch of very old files, files that should have automatically been deleted by the mail program, temp files. Almost two gigabites.

They fixed something in the control panel so I could access old backups on the server. Unfortunately, it only started working when it was set up. They'd given me a list of backups available, so I had them give me the oldest one, dated the first weeks of January, before the hit. I downloaded that and now, if something happens, I have a working backup. There's nothing new on the page, so, that's not a concern.

I'm waiting to reinstall the photo gallery and the store, to see if things stay stable. I sure hope they do. I have to be honest, I'm nervous when I boot up in the morning. Not sure of what I'll find.

Nothing is best.

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lisaviolet is seventy something, married with no kids, takes care of lots of cats, likes taking photographs, loves Southern California weather and spends altogether too much time avoiding her responsibilities.

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