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      Friday, April 26, 2024

07:57 AM - 04/26/2024

The topic: I’m a little behind…


Brian is doing well, he's gotten the okay to get back to work after four weeks of nothing. I've never watched so much television in a short period in my life. Watched a whole lot of BritBox.

The day he had the surgery we were there at ten in the morning. We didn't go home until after ten that night. The surgery went well, maybe really not so well, depending on how you look at it.

When the tumor had been excised, the surgeon wasn't happy with what he saw on the remaining portion of the kidney. Part of that was sent to the pathologist and the results were not promising, so the surgeon went back in and removed the entire kidney. Brian was sent into recovery and it took longer than it usually does. I watched as people left the waiting room and finally, I was the only one there. I was able to call the recovery room and they said he wasn't ready yet. About an hour later, I was allowed back in. The reason I wasn't able to go in sooner was Brian didn't want me to see him in that condition.

Really? I don't know what he thought he should look like, but after five hours of surgery, I don't imagine he thought he'd look great.

He had a Zoom meeting with the surgeon the week after surgery and last Monday, he had an in-person visit with the surgeon, who was quite pleased with how well Brian was doing. He told Brian he could get back to work and life as usual.

Brian did sleep a lot. The only issue that came up was constipation due to the opioids for the pain. They'd sent us home with Colace, but that didn't work on the problems the drugs started. I contacted our primary care doctor and was given the go-ahead for Dulcolax. That worked.

The cats are all fine, the dog is fine, I'm fine and life is getting back to normal.

He's been back in his shop, working on orders and today we'll be shipping out three of them. I'm thankful orders were slow this month so that he won't fall very far behind schedule.

Life goes on.


kidney cancer    brian's cancer   

Very thankful for your good report. I know you don’t “know” me ... but I have been waiting to hear .... so thank you . I will keep you both in my continued prayers!

Posted by Turtle Lover @ Sunday, April 28, 2024 - 7:11:34 AM

lisaviolet's avatar

Thank you so much.

Posted by lisaviolet @ Tuesday, April 30, 2024 - 7:16:33 AM

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lisaviolet is seventy something, married with no kids, takes care of lots of cats, likes taking photographs, loves Southern California weather and spends altogether too much time avoiding her responsibilities.

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