I’d kill it. I swear to God, I’d put a serious hurt on it.
I only got four hours of sleep last night obsessing over the POS. I did a light load yesterday morning, followed by a heavier load of darks. And they still weren’t done this morning. Because that POS washing machine kept giving me the fricking “SUD” message.
I put those pretty damp clothes in the drier and all day today I’ve been running an empty washing machine, trying to get rid of the suds. And they just keep showing up. It’s almost as if there’s a suds maker in the bottom of the damned thing.
I’m dreading laundry piling up. I almost slugged Brian this morning when I realized he was getting clean towels out of the linen closet. That meant he’d dumped the other ones in the laundry basket in the laundry room.
This is so very irritating.