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      Sunday, August 13, 2017

09:40 AM - 08/13/2017

The topic: I thought I worked hard yesterday


I got stuff moved and rearranged and I was pretty happy with how it all fell into place.

Except I ran out of room. Geez, how much stuff do I have, anyway?

I'm disappointed that I won't be able to leave the table empty liked I had hoped to do. I need the space. I won't have to use all of it, and that's good. I have more paper that needs to go in the paper storage and I have to move the brads and cords out (which should be with the ribbon in the new storage area, anyway).

Brian is going to reinforce the paper storage shelves today and I had to move everything out. Everything. That paper is heavy. And the container door kept getting in my way. There isn't enough room for me to get by if it's propped open, so I just dealt with it each time I walked around it. And I walked around it a lot.

I had no idea I had that much paper. If it was stacked one on top of the other, it would be at least twelve feet high. That's a lot of paper. Brian said "well, you shouldn't need paper for a while".

My fellow crafters, you know that's not how this works.  jesterA  Sometimes, no matter how much you have, there's nothing that is exactly what you have in mind. You can dig and dig and dig, and darn it, you just have to buy something else.

And that's how stacks of paper grow to twelve feet high.

Anyway, the thing is emptied out and some of the stuff that was in there got tossed. (A really nice trimmer is in the trash because the guide broke and it doesn't work without the guide. And the company who made it is no longer in business.)

Remember that Brian was going to make my paper roll dispenser? Well, we were back in the office, both on our computers and I pointed out some of the ones available. Uline.com has one for $24.00, plus shipping and tax. Brian said "that's all they cost? Why don't you just get one from there? I don't know when I'll be able to make one and I had no idea they were so cheap." So, I ordered one Friday, it ships from Los Angeles and with UPS running on Saturdays now, it got here yesterday. And it will be a great one because it folds up. I can hang it from the back of one of the storage containers with bungee cords to use as needed.

This was another reason why I'm not really upset that I won't be using the table as a work table. The depth of the table. It's exactly 24". I had planned (in my mind) to move the shelves to a different table since it would be empty (what had been there would now be behind doors). But I didn't realize that the table was only 18" deep. The shelves wouldn't work the way I wanted to place them. I could only put one down.

And the dispenser is a little wider than 24" and would be awkward to use. I'll be using it on my main work table, out here in the family room. It's plenty deep to accommodate the dispenser.

Man, my arms are starting to get tired. And I still have work to do, but not until Brian has done what he needs to do. Then I can start loading it back up. And be finished with my storage area. It's gonna be so nice once everything is put away and organized! No more digging for supplies.

Yanno, this wouldn't be a problem for someone without so many cats. It all comes back to cats.

Gotta love 'em.


storage    craftstuff   

as a crafter I laughed at your stacks of paper ... yep .... been there… done that LOL

Posted by Turtle Lover @ Monday, August 14, 2017 - 8:55:05 AM

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lisaviolet is seventy something, married with no kids, takes care of lots of cats, likes taking photographs, loves Southern California weather and spends altogether too much time avoiding her responsibilities.

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