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      Tuesday, January 16, 2018

11:33 AM - 01/16/2018

The topic: I just can’t stop. I can’t help myself…


Yesterday evening, I got a message from my webhost that someone was sending over 600 emails an hours, using my mail sender. They advised I get rid of the hacked files and change my passwords.

I did change all passwords, then cleaned out files. It was pretty easy, but time consuming. Since I hadn't done anything over there since before last June, anything with a newer date was suspect. The problem was finding those files in the hundreds that were there. I hope I caught them all.

There was one that was in a directory I hadn't been there. I stupidly opened up that file in my browser and started getting redirected to "you have a problem!!!" websites. I didn't click outside of that, I didn't click on anything on those pages, just tried to get out of them. I ended up closing out the browser windows and then deleted that file from my store directory. Scary stuff.

So, this morning, I start up my PC. The mouse moved on its own. I pulled the plug on the mouse. The cursor was still moving on my monitor screen.....ooookay....

Do some research. MALWARE!!!  VIRUS!!!!  ADWARE!!! Did I download something last night? Opening that link?  That only I knew about?


Yeah. Except not "darn it".

Installed a malware/virus scanner (I have decent security software, but things have been known to slip through).  Found a couple of problems. They were quaratined. Mouse still moved. Found a page on Malwarebytes with instructions.  Three software downloads, three scans later, five more problems found (nothing bad), mouse still moves.

WTF? Do some more research. Over on a Windows forum, someone said that they checked their installed devices and found that their system showed they had two mice. They uninstalled one from the devices listing and the problem went away. Could it be that easy?

Four hours later, yes. Yes, it was that easy. I uninstalled both mice, then added one back in. No more traveling mouse. Malware scanners uninstalled.

That was this morning.

Yesterday had its own problem. Well, it wasn't just yesterday. It was this past weekend. Not happy with the way my blog was rendering in Facebook, I decided to play with the code. Now that I kinda sorta knew what I was doing, after being schooled last month. (That was before I overwrote the Eudora files.) You'll notice that there's a little graphic that shows for each category. Well, those photos weren't showing on FB. That got taken care of last month. But I couldn't get the category name to appear as well, so I added that to the graphic. And removed the category name from the entries, since it showed on the graphic. Let's not be redundant, you know?

Well, I got it into my head to play with the code and see if I could get the category name to show as text. And I did! I also got a little summary of each post to show. Before, the first few sentences of an entry would show up, but that stopped happening. I have to enter a summary, but it doesn't take that much time to do. Now that the category name showed up, I no longer needed the category name on the graphic. Let's change those graphics!

I couldn't find them. I couldn't find them to modify them. Sitting at the laptop, I looked in the external hard drives. I looked on the C drive. They were no where. I found my old information for Copernic, a PC search engine. I figured maybe that would work. Problem was, this was Sunday and after I'd installed it on the laptop and entered my serial key, that I was out of activations. I'd have to wait for them to respond. They didn't work on the weekend. But Monday morning, I had my activation back and got it set up and running. I had it index all the network drives as well as the C drive.

It ran all day. It ran all night. And this morning, it was done indexing. Over 7,000,000 key words. Over a half a million files. I do my search (I know the names of the files.) They weren't there. Well, they were, but not the ones I was looking for. Not the ones I did when I updated the graphics on this weblog.

Damn it.

So, this morning, when I'm back here on the PC, setting up a new customer account, letting my system know that a bank deposit had been made, generating an invoice, and watching the mouse move by itself, I had an idea.

I turned on Paint Shop Pro. And what was there when it came up? My graphics. The ones I'd been looking for. I checked their location. On the C drive. Of the PC. Where the laptop search engine would not find them.

They've been copied over to a network drive.

What I don't understand is why didn't I do that to start with?

Hopefully, this stuff is over with now. I'm keeping my fingers crossed.



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lisaviolet is seventy something, married with no kids, takes care of lots of cats, likes taking photographs, loves Southern California weather and spends altogether too much time avoiding her responsibilities.

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