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      Monday, February 11, 2019

10:03 AM - 02/11/2019

The topic: I have a bad feeling about Rocky


We took him in last Friday because he's still not pooping. Vet said keep giving him the hairball meds and give him fluids to help push the stool out.

He also has a snotty nose and is having a hard time swallowing. Could this be affecting his appetite? He's not eating. Nothing I put in front of him piques his interest. He's always been finicky and it's worse now. Because we can't medicate him, they were able to meds ordered from a compounding pharmacy for transdermal. All I'll have to do is rub it on the ear.

They called, we should have them in three to five days. I hope he's still with us when it gets here.

He also got x-rays, which didn't show anything bad inside. No masses or anything, just that little turd.

I'm giving him fluids, but it's obvious the process of urination is painful to him.

He's reminding me of Sagwa.

I did get some doxycycline into him this morning and he kept it down.

I'm afraid the crypto is at fault for this, I'm afraid it's gotten into his brain.

Could you keep a good thought for him? I'm really worried.

rocky    cryptococcus    catstuff   

good thoughts ... prayers ... purrs… all that good stuff

Posted by TURTLE LOVER @ Tuesday, February 12, 2019 - 8:48:31 AM

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lisaviolet is seventy something, married with no kids, takes care of lots of cats, likes taking photographs, loves Southern California weather and spends altogether too much time avoiding her responsibilities.

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