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      Sunday, July 09, 2017

08:54 AM - 07/09/2017

The topic: I got part of one of the cards put together last night


AND I DID IT WRONG!!!! I tried taking pieces off, but they ended up ripping the paper.

So, I put everything away and sat and pouted for a while.

This morning, I recut those pieces,. One of them I had never been happy with the color and  looking through the paper stacks I found one that would work much better. Got them all cut out and glitter sprayed, all I needed to do was wait for them to dry.

They're dry, I get my glue. I've been using Scotch Tacky glue for this. I used to love my Beacon's, but since I started pouring the glue into one of those smaller bottles with a fine metal tube for a spout, I'm having a much easier time controlling the glue. What I'm working on needs finesse and the Beacon's is for larger pieces.

I notice the little bottle is almost empty. Go into the garage to refill it. I look in my adhesive storage box. No glue. I check the storage container. No glue.

I HAVE NO GLUE!!!  What kind of crafter am I that I've run out of glue? And if I haven't really run out, where is it?


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lisaviolet is seventy something, married with no kids, takes care of lots of cats, likes taking photographs, loves Southern California weather and spends altogether too much time avoiding her responsibilities.

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