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      Wednesday, November 04, 2009

10:16 AM - 11/04/2009

The topic: Having a nice relaxing day and what happens?


Ron Howard will not leave Ross Geller alone.  I mean, he’s full on going after him.  I’ve chased him twice in the house, squirt bottle in hand.  Hours later, the two of them are into it down by the pool.  I go down there with the squirt bottle. Because of the way it’s designed, I can’t get away from the pool as quickly as they can.

They fought on the lawn. They fought in front of the office. Everytime I squirted Ron, who was obviously the aggressor, Ross ran. And when Ross ran, Ron was right there behind him. 

Damn it.  I hate it when this goes on and on.

Ronnie came into the house, he walks a little, then lays down.  I think he sustained some damage. 

This just sucks. I hate when one cat decides s/he hates another one.

I KNOW!!! Our Bob and Hoover are at it like 1950s cartoon kitties—and they take turns being the aggressor. One hogs the other’s food, and then one resents the other’s getting petted. Hoover is bigger, yet he is the one typically with bite marks. Makes me feel like a terrible mom and/or referee.

Posted by Carol @ Thursday, November 05, 2009 - 7:20:08 AM

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lisaviolet is seventy something, married with no kids, takes care of lots of cats, likes taking photographs, loves Southern California weather and spends altogether too much time avoiding her responsibilities.

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