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      Tuesday, April 14, 2015

01:45 PM - 04/14/2015

The topic: Happy Gotcha Day!


Guess who's been here a year today? Rocky! AKA Sparkle Butt!

About a year ago an old neighbor friend was looking for a home for this guy. I posted on the walls of two different people I know in rescue over on Facebook, but both posts were removed without comment. I did eventually find out that one had been removed because I didn't mention Rocky's sexual status (neutered) and I've often wondered why someone didn't take the few minutes it would have taken to let me know. ne_nau The other posting, well, some opinions are better left as unvoiced opinions. One of those egocentric types, full on drama queen, best left in the dust as I haul ass down the road, yanno?

(Well, damn, I guess I voiced it after all.....  That bridge wasn't just burned, it was torpedoed and the surrounding areas bombed so badly it will NEVER be reconstructed. 141031082)

Anyway, it all worked out for the best, we kept him. If his previous owner had wanted him back at any point, we'd have given him back, but I think that ship has sailed. He's where he belongs at this point.

He's doing well, he likes it here, he owns the backyard. It didn't take him long of being inside at night to pull gates away, open locked cat doors and do what he needed to do to get outside. And he's never seemed interested at all in what's on the other side of the fences and gates. He's just happy to be outside. 

Look regal, Rocky! (Clicking on the picture will take you to a bigger photo in my family album; clicking on that picture will open a larger photo.)


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lisaviolet is seventy something, married with no kids, takes care of lots of cats, likes taking photographs, loves Southern California weather and spends altogether too much time avoiding her responsibilities.

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