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      Sunday, March 27, 2005

07:41 AM - 03/27/2005

The topic: Handsome’s URI


Sunday, March 27, 2005 (Easter)  Well, I was warned about upper respiratory infections and FIV+.  And Handsome has a full blown URI right now.  It started to get bad about three days ago.  Yesterday, I let him out of the crate in the morning and he hasn’t been back in.  There’s absolutely no posturing or faint glimmer of a possibility of a cat fight.  He feels too bad.  And maybe the four days in the crate helped get everyone to back off and realize there was no threat.  I hope that’s what it is.

I think his throat is sore because he’s having a difficult time swallowing.  He’s drooling a lot, then he’ll stop doing that for hours and hours.  Then it will start again.  So, I don’t think it’s anything permanent (I think of Pepper and her squamous cell carcinoma in her lower jaw; the drooling was constant).  I did get a little of the enisyl-f l-lysine paste into him this morning.  I know it was too soon for the l-lysine to work, but I think it did something with his swallowing, because he’s resting more easily since I gave it to him.  Poor guy.  He sounds so bad.  And the worst thing is I believe what he’s got, he didn’t bring in with him.  Remember, Little Bit got a bad cold here and so did Chandler, even after he got vaccinated.  I hope he can fight it off.  I’ll be doing what I can to help him.

I did have the vaporizer working for him until I noticed there was something wrong with the cord.  Wasn’t a safe looking wrong, so I dumped the water out and tossed the entire thing.  We found a new one at Wal-Mart, a much nicer one for less than twenty dollars. There are two settings, low and high, and it will run for fourteen hours and then it has an auto shut-off.  I haven’t used that one much since we got it Friday night and he’s been out since Saturday morning.

I slept on the sofa last night because he’d made himself comfortable on my side of the bed.  Brian had plenty of room, but I didn’t want to bother Handsome.  He spent all night stretched out on my side of the bed.

Say a little prayer or send some healing energy his way if you get a chance.  I’m sure he can use it after all he’s been through.

I don’t know what the deal is with KittyMeeze and I’m scared that one day he just won’t show up. For a couple of weeks, the only times we saw him was meal time. Then the past couple of days, he’s spent more time here.  He was here all day yesterday.  Then, this morning, he’s not around.  I absolutely hate this.

Annie drank so much water from the tub faucet yesterday, she immediately barfed it all up in the hallway.  Fifteen minutes later, she wanted more tub faucet water.  I said no.

Not much else to report, just keep some good healthy thoughts for the new boy. Thanks.

My thoughts and prayers are with you and all the kitties.  Get well soon, Handsome.

Posted by Brenda @ Sunday, March 27, 2005 - 10:17:06 AM

You & the kitties are never far from my thoughts. Hope Handsome gets over this fast, I’ll keep him in my prayers until he does.

Posted by Melanee @ Sunday, March 27, 2005 - 4:03:06 PM

Oh no, we’ll send prayers for a fast healing for Handsome, and while we’re at it, prayers for all the kitties.:D

Posted by Donna @ Sunday, March 27, 2005 - 8:12:06 PM

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lisaviolet is seventy something, married with no kids, takes care of lots of cats, likes taking photographs, loves Southern California weather and spends altogether too much time avoiding her responsibilities.

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