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      Thursday, December 13, 2018

11:48 AM - 12/13/2018

The topic: Guess who has two thumbs and


Is officially going to get a new hip? 


Just got back from the orthopedist and they took another x-ray, then I met with the doctor and he asked some questions. Like can I put on my shoes and Brian just bust out laughing (I can put on my left sock and shoe, but not my right). I told the doctor that Brian was my Prince Charming.

He also went over the x-ray with us. My left hip has a fair amount of room between the ball and the pelvic socket, so it's easily moved. But the right....the right, not so much. On the way home Brian remarked that it actually looked fused to him, no room at all. The doctor said there's no shot or medication or physical therapy that will fix this. Just the one option. Surgery.

The doctor said he usually asks a certain set of questions and my answers pretty much all pointed to needing a new hip. And from my health history he thinks I'll do pretty good with recovery. He thinks I'm a good candidate. It would be done as an outpatient surgery. I go home the same day. The surgery itself takes about three hours.

He's about three months out, but I was put on a list in case anything opens up sooner. I'm hoping we're walking the hill again by next summer.

I'm so excited!

Me, in six months or sooner ----> yippee

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lisaviolet is seventy something, married with no kids, takes care of lots of cats, likes taking photographs, loves Southern California weather and spends altogether too much time avoiding her responsibilities.

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