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      Monday, October 22, 2007

10:21 AM - 10/22/2007

The topic: Fires


Back in 2003, there was the Cedar Fire. You know, the first time we met Wally (the first picture I ever took of him is on the page I just linked to). They’re saying the latest rounds of fires could be worse than that one.  *sigh*  There are seven right now that I now of, here in San Diego county.  More up in Los Angeles area.  One down here is in Descanso.  We went to Descanso for breakfast yesterday morning.  It was windy on the way up, but much worse on the way home Santa Ana winds happen in the fall. I like the winds, I don't like it when they come with fire.

This just sucks. Off to get Rory in because of the bad air quality.

Are the Becky you got Wally from and the recent pet sitter the same person or two different people?

Posted by Lisa @ Monday, October 22, 2007 - 12:49:00 PM

lisaviolet's avatar

No, they’re one and the same.

Posted by lisaviolet @ Monday, October 22, 2007 - 12:49:25 PM

Have been real concerned about all of you down there with all the fires. I was also wondering if one of those fires down your way was going to get your land again. This Santa Ana is awful.

We started getting heavy smoke here in LB about 11 PM last night. It’s now about 12:58 PM and the wind shifted again and its taking it more offshore now.

Sending lots of healing vibes and hugs to you and Brian and the kitties…

Posted by Mary @ Monday, October 22, 2007 - 12:59:39 PM

I’ve been keeping you all and my other friends in the area in my prayers.  Hopefully you won’t be impacted severely this time.  My heart goes out to those who are in these fires’ paths, and sending prayers of encouragement to all the firefighters on hand.  LV, you and Brian just don’t take any chances, okay?

Posted by kittykids (JayP) @ Monday, October 22, 2007 - 1:43:20 PM

Yes I thought of you too and your property, I remember the last one and the pictures…..Prayers and hugs always sent your way!

Posted by DonnaB @ Monday, October 22, 2007 - 1:43:53 PM

Are you and kitties in any danger?  Do you have an evacuation plan?  Im in the midwest and the media are all over this story but I know how they sometimes overreact.

Posted by A Concerned Lurker @ Tuesday, October 23, 2007 - 9:04:38 AM

lisaviolet's avatar

I posted this on a forum elsewhere:

The Witch Creek fire (or Witch fire) is the one that would most affect us. Northern Lakeside is under evacuation orders right now.
Lakeside is one of those places that has a lot of open areas. Big lots, ranches, the local rodeo arena is here. As you get further west, towards the ocean, it tightens up. We’re right on the border of Lakeside and El Cajon, we’re not on the outskirts where the highest danger is.

Link to the rodeo map.

On that map, you’ll see “Wildcat Canyon Rd”. That’s under evacuation orders right now. If you look south of that, you’ll see “Pepper Dr”. That’s one of the streets we walk on in the mornings, to give you an idea of how close we are.

So, right now, I think we’re pretty safe. My in-laws live around the corner and MIL has a wood shake roof . Brian’s bro (who lives right next door to her) was going to put sprinklers up there to keep it wet last night or this morning, in case a flying ember should land on it.

Great news, just in. They’re sending up about a dozen air tankers. It’s not nearly so windy today as it was yesterday.

Posted by lisaviolet @ Tuesday, October 23, 2007 - 9:13:19 AM

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lisaviolet is seventy something, married with no kids, takes care of lots of cats, likes taking photographs, loves Southern California weather and spends altogether too much time avoiding her responsibilities.

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