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      Thursday, January 26, 2006

09:35 AM - 01/26/2006

The topic: Feeling good


Well, I’ve gotten back on track. 

Did about a thousand loads of laundry yesterday, mostly cat stuff.  Towels, beds, pads.  Machine was off by eight last night.  Laundry all dried and put away.  It’s so nice.  I’m not checking the thing every ten minutes, I’m not worried about letting it rest.  I turn it on, add the liquid detergent and fabric softener and it does the rest.  Well, I still check it, just, you know, to make sure it’s working.  *lol*  That habit seems too new to have become so old so quickly, but there you go.  Maybe by the end of next week, I’ll have quit checking.  Just, you know, to make sure.

And because the washer was working, I was in the perfect frame of mind to get some paperwork done. I started on personal stuff Tuesday afternoon when the repairman left and finished that up yesterday.  Bills paid, two months of bank reconciliation taken care of, and all paperwork filed.  My inbox is almost empty right now, which is really nice. 

When I finished up the personal stuff, I started on the business paperwork and I’m happy to report I got all the payroll forms filled out and in the mail, as well as paying bills that are due next Tuesday.  Then I got a caught up with last year’s filing (just a couple of months, took about a half of an hour).  So, the company inbox is pretty empty, too. 

It’s a nice feeling to be caught up.

Today I’m going to CostCo for milk and stuff, then I have go to Albertsons for grocery things they don’t have at CostCo, or the stuff they carry at CostCo is just way too big for our needs (a gallon jar of pickle relish?).  I also have to hit the pet store and get another bulb for the fish tank, the one I’ve got is flickering something awful.  Very annoying for me, I can’t imagine the fish like it too much, so I’ve not been turning on the light.

And then, I’m done.  I can work on some of the projects I started.  On Tuesday, when I was doing the personal paperwork, I actually did some multi-tasking.  I copied the video from the mini-disks to full sized DVDs and put them in my disk carousel.  I also found that I didn’t have very many blank DVDs that weren’t the print-on kind.  And for some reason, it just seems wrong to use print on DVDs if I’m not going to print on them.  *lol*  So, I ordered some blank DVD+R (the +R work on our old DVD machine) from supermediastore.com, where I get most of my recording media.  They should be here today.

Since I can’t pass up a deal on blanks and this week, the CostCo coupon book has a coupon for TDK print on DVD media, 100 to a spindle,  two for one.  So, I’ll buy one of +R and one of -R.  When added to my current stack of blank print on DVDs, they should last me long past death.   *grin*

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lisaviolet is seventy something, married with no kids, takes care of lots of cats, likes taking photographs, loves Southern California weather and spends altogether too much time avoiding her responsibilities.

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