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      Friday, December 22, 2017

08:37 AM - 12/22/2017

The topic: Facebook makes me crazy with its rules


My images no longer show (you know, the little graphics in each entry), they had been pulling from the one at the bottom.. I tried changing that one, then they started pulling the image from the banner at the top. Really weird.

Then they quit pulling text from the first part of my entries. They're doing all of this to stop the fakenews postings.

I have to add some sort of special tag, called Open Graph, or og. I found a plugin that should work, but I have to figure it out and that's not going to happen any time in the next couple of weeks.

This morning, my PC wouldn't boot up. I usually just start it, then walk away. I went back into the office and it was doing a disk repair. I was bad, I shut it down and restarted it.

Chose "start windows normally" and it booted right up. But it looks like my new computer couldn't have happened at a better time. It's not that the old computer is bad, it just needs to have the hard drive cleaned and a clean install of Windows done. Which I'd planned on doing anyway, I backed it up last week, took over two days to complete.

And I have end of the year paperwork to do. I'd like to finish that by the end of the year. Right now, Quickbooks is only on the PC, lost it on the laptop last week when it went bad (it's okay now). I may reinstall it today. I dunno.

Maybe I'll do laundry instead.


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lisaviolet is seventy something, married with no kids, takes care of lots of cats, likes taking photographs, loves Southern California weather and spends altogether too much time avoiding her responsibilities.

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