It's weird, there's a lot that's happened and there's nothing that's happened.
I guess lot of little things going on, but nothing major, so that's good. I'll just post a few short updates, then hopefully, get more entries with more detail.
Little Bitty Dog had a dental. Teeth were pulled. The vet also found a stage one heart murmur. She said we'll just keep an eye on it.
The possums that were born here on the 25th/26th of June are still here. They're getting big, they're everywhere at night and I want them gone. They are climbing on everything. Even up into the rafters. A garage is not the best place for wildlife to grow up. For the most part, they use the litterbox, which is good. But not always. Yesterday, I found three of the younguns on the heatpress, under all of the covers. Uh, no. Just no. The fact that they were together, making their own little nest, leads me to believe that they'll be okay with mom moving them to a new spot. Outside. From what I've read, they usually move on in about two months. A whole 'nother month?
Joey would like his garage back.
I have pictures. Lots of pictures. Not sure if there are five or six. But they are absolutely adorable.
We had raccoons in the house again this past week. Then one couldn't get out of the yard. Wind chimes were purchased and put up and we haven't had any since (we think the noise the chimes makes scares them off). They actually broke the small water crock in the garage. I am so looking forward to possums moving on and the garage door replaces with a decent cat door. One with a flap and and and opening that's too small for the raccoons to enter. The previous cat door is in good shape, it's the actual door that's rotten and when Rocky moved in way back when, he ripped the cat door out of the door and we just never fixed it. Soon. It will be soon.
I finally got the 3D printer I bought from Woot back in February up and running. It took a couple of months for me to put it together. But the only place to put it was in the bedroom on a little chest. I finally cleaned the extra room (months ago and I never mentioned it here! It was a big job...I'll have to share) and it has it's own place on a table. My problem then was I couldn't get the bed leveled and I'd walk out in frustration. Well, that puppy got leveled on Friday and is now up and running. The first thing I made was one of those things for face masks that holds the mask on the back of your head and not around your ears.
My best friend sent us a couple of masks that she made, and I swear, she has a head the size of a newborn (she had to get infant sized ears at Disneyland) and when I put mine on, my ears stuck out like handles. No longer. (I do have a pretty big head.)
Mario gets lactulose twice a day, fluids every other day and his pooping seems to be much better. That's a big plus. I know he's feeling better.
I've made a few more crafty things I'll be sharing as well.
It's time to play catch up, I guess.