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      Thursday, August 31, 2017

10:51 AM - 08/31/2017

The topic: Dropped Potter off at the vet’s this morning


Along with a note that described how he's been acting this week. I also said to go ahead and do any work that needs to be done, bloodwork, x-rays...no need wasting time with phone calls back and forth.

This morning, he was first out the door (which is usually open, but due to the high humdity and heat we've been having, the air conditioning is on; not that it makes the house that much cooler, but there is a lot less humidity inside). I thought this was a good sign. I went out and felt his bottom and it wasn't damp. Did he pee somewhere in the house and it didn't just leak out?

I finally got him to pee a little for me, but I'm beginning to thing that his water intake has been greatly reduced through the week and he still hasn't defecated. He turned his nose up at both chicken and tuna this morning. Definitely not like our little guy. So, I called the vet about making an appointment and was told I could drop him off. I took him over there a little before ten.

And now, we wait.

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lisaviolet is seventy something, married with no kids, takes care of lots of cats, likes taking photographs, loves Southern California weather and spends altogether too much time avoiding her responsibilities.

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