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      Friday, August 30, 2024

06:40 AM - 08/30/2024

The topic: Drive by post


So, Fury is still with us, his breathing doesn't seem to be any worse, still has the occasional coughing bout, though. Scary when that happens. We started giving him subQ fluids more regularly, and right now it looks like the issue with his kidneys is getting worse. I'd love to take him to the vet for a recheck, but I don't want to stress him. He was eating Gerber chicken baby food every day, two to three jars, but decided he no longer likes that. But he is eating more kibble, so... Honestly, this is one of the roughest parts of pet companionship.

Little Bitty Dawg is doing well. He loves his Vedmedin medication, the med that helps his heart. The furosemide is keeping his lungs clear, but there has been a development. Besides missing the multiple pee pads on the living room floor and using the door mats as pads as well, he started peeing in his sleep, which was making for a little more laundry than I liked. We're on tiered electric $$ and I like to do laundry on the weekends when it's the cheapest. Now, LBD is the proud wearer of diapers. They don't seem to bother him at all.

Brian has a followup MRI next month for the kidney cancer, just to make sure he's still clean. He told me earlier this week that this is the most time he's taken off ever. I just looked at him and said "I know".  He laughed at my tone of voice.

And that's about it for now. Thanks for still checking in.

jingles    catstuff   

Hello! I remember your web site from the first time I got on the web and made a personal site, back in the late 90s. I’m back on the web again and so happy to see this site is still up and running. I’m sorry to hear about all the people/animal medical issues you’ve had in your life lately but glad to hear at least that Brian seems to doing well.

Posted by Divergent Rays @ Friday, August 30, 2024 - 8:25:31 PM

Thanks for your update ... I often wonder ....so I appreciate the updates when you are able. I know i know… I don’t even know you .... but I just feel as if I do.
Prayers to you all.

Posted by Turtle Lover @ Monday, September 02, 2024 - 8:05:20 AM

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lisaviolet is seventy something, married with no kids, takes care of lots of cats, likes taking photographs, loves Southern California weather and spends altogether too much time avoiding her responsibilities.

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