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      Wednesday, September 23, 2020

07:25 AM - 09/23/2020

The topic: Do ya ever have one of those days?


Looking for fireplace stamps/dies, I found a nice little bundle over on Amazon. I placed the order last Saturday. It was going to be shipped Amazon.

Sunday, I get a notice the order was cancelled. What? I check it out. There was a problem with the address. Huh. I check their tracking. 

Saturday 8:42pm -
"Possible delay in delivery due to arrival at incorrect carrier facility
West Valley City, US"

West Valley City? I look it up. There's one of those in Utah. Someone screwed up the label.

Since this was cancelled and I want this bundle, I head over to Scrapbook.com. Place my order there. It was Sunday morning.

Monday morning, I get a notice. My Amazon package has shipped. Say what? It shipped? I contact Amazon. Yep, it shipped.

Head over to Scrapbook.com to see if I can cancel the order. They don't work weekends, that's good. And it's early enough in the day that they haven't started yet. I send a message via their form. I also sent an email with my order, please cancel.

They did. I've already gotten the refund.

So, it's yesterday. Still no movement on the Amazon order. I check it out. I see it's still in San Bernardino. I check my orders and go to the product page. Wait what? I've ordered this twice now. I check my orders. Looks like I bought this back in August. I most certainly do not need two.

I contact Amazon support. Since the order is still in San Bernardino, can I cancel it? "I'll have to transfer you to delivery, may I have your cell phone number?" Sure.

Quickly turn on the cell phone. It rings. A little discussion. The order didn't ship to me, it's going back to the sender. It was already cancelled. I'll be getting a refund. And an email notice to basically repeat what I was told.

Well, that worked out nicely.

I got the email. It said "that the address was wrong, you can see it at this link".  Out of curiousity, I go to the link. I see my address, the one I've lived at for thirty-five years.

Strange. But alls well that ends well.

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lisaviolet is seventy something, married with no kids, takes care of lots of cats, likes taking photographs, loves Southern California weather and spends altogether too much time avoiding her responsibilities.

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