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      Tuesday, August 06, 2019

07:15 AM - 08/06/2019

The topic: Cross your fingers!


Ronnie got his first dose of Mometamax this morning. (I linked it so you can see what how this medicine helps.)

I've been sleeping on the sofa since he's gotten so bad, since I'm up and down during the night and didn't want to disturb Brian or the bed cats. You know, Sammy and Mario. Two other cats on medication. smirk

He's taking the Clavamox okay. I wrap it in deli meat. The only problem is when he picks it up, sometimes the meat slice unrolls and there goes the pill. I take an extra piece of meat, just in case, so I have that covered. But his ears really bother him.

Last night I looked up Benadryl dosage for a cat. I asked an online friend who is incredibly knowledgeable about this stuff and she gave me a dosage that should work, but said that I really should do what I can to get the ear meds in him. She gave me some tips on what I could try. I said I'd do that this morning.

And I did. I'd come up with a plan to carry him into the bathroom. Yes, I know I tried this last week, but I wasn't really prepared, it was a spur of the moment thing. But this morning, I was prepared. Which means I already had the medicine in my bathroom so I had both hands and arms free to carry him into said bathroom.

During the night, I get up to check on him. I found him on one of the chairs on the patio (after walking through the yard, with a flashlight, barefoot, underwear and teeshirt on).  I opened a can of Fancy Feast and fluffed it up with a fork, took it to him on the chair. He ate the whole thing. (When he was having problems getting what was in the can, I scooped the food out and put it on the chair). That was around eleven last night. Then again, at 3:15, I gave him another can. He ate that.

So, this morning, his tummy is pretty full. He's moving faster as well. He was sitting under one of the tractor implements in the yard and I was able to pick him up, hold him close, give him head kisses, making sure I missed his ears, and slowly walked into the house, into my bathroom. I shut the door behind me and let him down.

Yanno, if he could have done the Elastigirl thing, he would have gone out under the door. He was laying on his side, nose to the the space at the bottom, paws out, trying to make room to crawl under. I filled the syringes with the proper dosage and got down on my knees. I pulled him towards me, sliding him between my legs, then I lowered myself so he couldn't back out.

He was flat on the floor and I got the meds in his right ear, rubbed the ear base, then did the left ear. I think the left ear went in deeper into the canal than the right, you just know. I rubbed both bases and then got to my feet and opened the door. He was more than happy to leave the room.

I found him five minutes later in the garage, eating breakfast. He hasn't done that in weeks.

So, the first dose is done, thirteen more to go. It wasn't as traumatic as I thought it would be. And he didn't seem to be bothered once it was over. When you experience the problems we had with Rocky, it's understandable to be hesitant to start it again. But maybe, just maybe, we'll have a chance with Ronnie.


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How is he doing now two weeks later

Posted by sue miller @ Wednesday, August 21, 2019 - 6:41:10 AM

lisaviolet's avatar

We had a vet visit yesterday. I’ll be updating the status later today.

It’s not been the most fun two weeks, though, I will say that.

Oh, and he’s going to be okay, nothing major. But I didn’t know that, so I’ve been pretty stressed out.

Thanks for asking.

Posted by lisaviolet @ Wednesday, August 21, 2019 - 7:43:09 AM

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lisaviolet is seventy something, married with no kids, takes care of lots of cats, likes taking photographs, loves Southern California weather and spends altogether too much time avoiding her responsibilities.

In her spare time, she makes pretty things to sell in her store.

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