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      Monday, November 20, 2017

07:15 AM - 11/20/2017

The topic: Conversations


(Not in the happiest of moods this morning, my damned wireless keyboard decided it was going on strike. But intermittently.)

We're on our walk this morning. The discussion turns to some of the requests he's been getting for work. Then I ask him "what about the guy and the check valves?"  Check valves keep things from moving or something, Brian sells these hydraulic links that automatically adjust instead of manually. These links run from valves. (Bear with me, I'm not an expert in this and this is just what I think happens...) They lift equipment. There is sometimes "leakage". This doesn't mean they actually leak anything, they just kind of drop down. Honestly, no matter how many times he's tried explaining it to me, I'm lost. Every. Time. Brian does not like check valves. They are not something he sells. His products are made to float, not be static. The check valves keep them from floating. So....I think that maybe kinda explains this.

So, he starts explaining that this guy isn't sure about using check valves. And then he starts droning on about industry standards for acceptable leakage, how one tractor maker measures the leakage in "teaspoons" and another manufacturer measures in "drops".  And he goes on.

Me: ~starts to laugh

Him: ~keeps talking about technical specs

Me: ~punches him in the arm

Him: ~looks at me, sees I'm  laughing

Him: What?

Me: I kinda feel like Penny and Leonard right now

Him: ~laughs

Him: ~continues on about technical specs



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lisaviolet is seventy something, married with no kids, takes care of lots of cats, likes taking photographs, loves Southern California weather and spends altogether too much time avoiding her responsibilities.

In her spare time, she makes pretty things to sell in her store.

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