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      Friday, February 26, 2016

07:46 AM - 02/26/2016

The topic: Conversations..


So, when we get a payment via credit card, I get the notification and forward the information over to Brian. This starts a chain of events. He pulls his quote sheet, fills in information (like shipping address) and puts the order on the board.

I have an email client on my tablet for my work email address, but it's not set up right so that I can forward mail from it. When I get notification of a payment and I'm not on the computer, I verbally tell Brian, then will forward the mail to him when I start up the PC.

I forgot to do this last weekend. We received a payment on Saturday and I never forwarded the mail. The person who ordered called at the beginning of the week, wanting to know if he'd done everything right. Brian could find nothing on it. I did find it.

So, I'm sitting here while Brian is talking to the customer. "She never forwarded the mail to me, I'm sorry." And I started yelling out "Fire me! Fire me! Just fire me!"

The guy laughed and told Brian he probably couldn't afford to fire me.



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lisaviolet is seventy something, married with no kids, takes care of lots of cats, likes taking photographs, loves Southern California weather and spends altogether too much time avoiding her responsibilities.

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