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      Wednesday, December 18, 2013

07:29 PM - 12/18/2013

The topic: Computers and fans and heat and dust


Last week while I was working on a video file that I took at Disneyland earlier this month, the fan on my PC kicked on. That shouldn't have happened, since the system shouldn't have been under that big of a strain. After all, it's a quad core, it has plenty of power. So, I figured it was time to air the puppy out.

Shut it down, uplugged everything (don't want any unexpected power surges) opened it up and there was a sheet of dust on the heat sink. Pulled that off between the fan blades and used some compressed air to blow out most of the dust bunnies (or would that be dust kitties?), closed it up and replugged everything back in. Started it up, the new quiet was pretty nice.

Then I noticed the webcam computer was pretty rackety, so I did the same thing to it. It was really bad. Got it up and running and once again, it's quiet.

Brian said "my computer's been making noise". Yeah, right. He just feels left out. I'll get right on that, dear.

So, he's back in the shop, his monitor is on, but there's nothing going on with his system. All of a sudden, the fan kicks on. I look at his computer. I keep looking at his computer.


I turn it off, open it up and clean it out. It had more fuzz than the webcam computer.

It's nice and quiet now.

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lisaviolet is seventy something, married with no kids, takes care of lots of cats, likes taking photographs, loves Southern California weather and spends altogether too much time avoiding her responsibilities.

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