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      Sunday, August 09, 2009

12:58 PM - 08/09/2009

The topic: Cats under the weather


Bobby hasn’t been feeling well.  He’s always been on the small side, but I was concerned that he seemed to be losing weight.  His fur was shiny and his eyes bright, but he’s just been a little off.  I hadn’t seen him eating and I tried giving him some canned food and he half assed licked at it, then walked away.  I started him on amoxicillan and yesterday thought maybe his stomach was upset (I saw him eating grass) and gave him a quarter of a Pepcid AD tab in a gelcap. Yesterday afternoon, he was feeling a little better and I got him to eat a very small amount of Hill’s A/D food.  Today, he’s feeling a bit better, actually jumping on the counter wanting more to eat.  I gave him another Pepcid, it won’t hurt him, but could help keep his tummy settled. 

I was so concerned Friday, that I told Brian if he didn’t start eating I’d have to take him in, which I really didn’t want to have to do since Bobby does not travel well at all.  But whatever was going on with him, it seems to not be so bad today, I’ll keep watching him and giving him food on the counter until he’s back to eating dry food.

Oliver has also been acting strangely.  Today, he just seemed so hungry so I gave him his own can of food in the bathroom.  He’d already eaten half of one, and wanted more.  He ate about half of this, then came back out to the family room.  He stood on the coffee table and his head started this twitching, a familiar twitch because Mickey has done it and I’ve got meds in the frig for it.  It’s some sort of crud deep in the ear canal.  So, I gave Oliver some of that. He wasn’t happy, but right now, he’s sleeping soundly on the loveseat, doesn’t look as nervous as he did earlier today.

I hate it when a cat isn’t acting right.

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lisaviolet is seventy something, married with no kids, takes care of lots of cats, likes taking photographs, loves Southern California weather and spends altogether too much time avoiding her responsibilities.

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