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      Thursday, September 28, 2017

11:18 AM - 09/28/2017

The topic: Cats, bats and other stuff


So, Ronnie is sick. I don't know what's wrong with him. His heart rate is good, but all he does is sleep. He's not eating. I haven't seen him drink much at all. He drank a little from the fountain yesterday morning, then I hadn't seen anything since. He slept on the "porch" of the doghouse on the bank last night. He was there in the evening, still there this morning.

He's walking stiffly and, as I said, ignoring food. Brian managed to get him yesterday and when he tried to put him in the carrier, Ronnie went nuts. Even though I'd been able to trim Ron's claws in the morning, I didn't think to trim his back claws. We missed the appointment. This morning, I ordered this from Amazon. That should help. A lot. Both here and at the vet's office with a recalcitrant cat.

This morning, fed up with him not eating, I was able to pick him up, take him into the bathroom and shove some tuna in his mouth. It wasn't much, but I hope it was enough to perk up his appetite. And when I let him out, instead of going left and back outside, he went right, into the bedroom, over to the water bowl and drank longer than I've seen him drink in over a week. Then he walked around the side of the bed, up onto the bed and is fast asleep on my pillow.

Mystie is also under the weather. She's had diarrhea problems for a while, but probiotics help. Last week I noticed her fur was weird and last night I noticed she was dehydrated. I've started her on fluids. And I'm giving her all she wants to eat, she's so skinny. I wouldn't doubt, though, that her kidneys are in pretty bad shape at this point. As long as she's got a fair quality of life, though, we'll just muddle through.

Tuesday morning, there was a dead critter by Brian's shop. I couldn't tell what kind of critter so I pushed it with my finger. A bat. Oops. Brian scooped it into an old margarine container and I called animal control, who sent me to a couple of different people. Brian was surprised since he didn't think we had any bats. Yeah, we do. (I sat on the swing outside and dusk last night and asked if he'd like to sit with me and watch the bats flying around...he passed.)  Since I touched it (the officer was nice, he said "you aren't in any trouble") I admitted to it. That admission pushed the bat testing to ASAP, because there have been rabies in the area. They called yesterday afternoon and the bat was negative, so all humans and cats are safe.

Yesterday I finally called our new health provider and we both have our annual physicals next week. The hospital is only two miles away, so that's really cool. I can drive that, no problem. Hell, if it wasn't hot and my legs worked properly, I could walk there. Yeah, I'm gonna broach this bunion thing with the doctor. It would be nice to have it finally taken care of.

The mosquitoes are (finally) biting Brian. I killed one today, he's killed more than that. He said we should bring in our electronic flying bug zappers. Yeah, I can see some problems there, those things are unwieldy.

And that's it for now. Gonna do a printer cleaning and make these negatives for the stamps.

ronnie    mystie    mosquitoes    catstuff    bat   

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lisaviolet is seventy something, married with no kids, takes care of lots of cats, likes taking photographs, loves Southern California weather and spends altogether too much time avoiding her responsibilities.

In her spare time, she makes pretty things to sell in her store.

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