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      Sunday, October 28, 2012

08:49 AM - 10/28/2012

The topic: Cat updates


Okay, last week saw Spot, Miss E and Mario headed to the vet’s office.  Katie had an appointment, too, but she declined to stay in the carrier long enough for me to get the gate shut on it.

Spot had his surgery on Friday (donations still welcome).  Right now he’s at the surgeon’s house in recovery.  They call nightly with updates on his progress.  He’s recovering, but he is not peeing on his own. He’s on IV fluids, so he does have a full bladder, which is being manually expressed, at which point he has a nice strong stream. But he will not pee by himself. He’s also got a major leakage problem.  Hopefully that will get better as his bladder strength improves.  He can’t come home until he’s peeing without help. It’s a concern.

Miss Elizabeth is doing well.  She’s no longer having little piddles where she’s sleeping. She’s not really fond of the Orbax, but it’s working, she seems a lot more comfortable now.

And Mario. Mario was a drop off on Friday morning. He’d been acting punky Thursday night and he growled at me when I moved him from my place on the bed, something he does not do.  Friday morning, he was acting worse and any touching in the vicinity of his belly brought on some pretty major snarling.  We took him in when we took Spot in for surgery. The vet called around noon, Mario is okay, it looks like he has a pretty nasty scratch on his face by his nose, probably a cat fight (yeah, damned Sagwa). He said Mario could go home and he wanted him on Clavamox in case of a secondary infection.

Friday evening Mario kept himself next to the water heater in the garage. Yesterday he made his way out to the cement off of the garage (I keep the door wide open in nice weather). He slept soundly in the sun. Last night he slept on the loveseat, he was in the same place this morning. Since I realized it wasn’t the Kirkland kibble that brought on Spot’s problem (I pulled it all up a month ago and he still got the struvite crystals), the cats are again getting their morning treat. I placed a little pile in front of Mario and he ate it all.  I watched as he tried cleaning himself and he was moving slowly. He’s hurting.  When I fed Kirby and Miss their morning wet food, I set some aside in a bowl and added water.  I gave that to Mario and he ate most of it. He’s sleeping soundly right now.  Oh, and blessings to whoever came up with pill pockets.  They’ve been a great help with both Mario and Spot. This morning, the pill dropped out, but there were a few pieces of the pill pocket next to the pill and Mario ate them all up. Yay!

So, that’s what’s going on now.

We’ve gotten donations for Spot’s surgery of over $500.00!  That’s an immense help to us (if someone had told me ten years ago I’d be asking for help, I’d have punched them in the arm and called them a liar ).

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lisaviolet is seventy something, married with no kids, takes care of lots of cats, likes taking photographs, loves Southern California weather and spends altogether too much time avoiding her responsibilities.

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