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      Thursday, June 24, 2010

02:45 PM - 06/24/2010

The topic: Bloodwork results are in


And I have very, very high LDL levels.  So high, in fact, that instead of trying to get them under control with diet and exercise, we’re going straight to medication.  Oh, joy.

Still waiting on Brian’s results. 

Good bye, ice cream.  So long massive piles of grated and shredded cheese. I’ll miss you, butter.  And sour cream?  bigcry


My LDL was just a bit high so I don’t have to worry about meds yet and since I was already working on losing weight I’m keeping fingers crossed that when I retest next month it will have gone down enough.

Posted by Lisa @ Thursday, June 24, 2010 - 4:59:34 PM

Take heart, Diane - there’s always FF ice cream! It’s not the same, of course, but some of the FF ice cream treats that are available on the market are really quite tasty - trust me, I should know, I eat enough of them!! smile And don’t forget frozen ice treats - no cholesterol in most of those, and they’re great for enjoying while on a hot-weather stroll! Ask your doc which ones are okay for you! Also, some of the cholesterol-free margarines are great, really buttery-tasting - give them a try! Best wishes to you, Brian, and the cats!!

Posted by Mary @ Friday, June 25, 2010 - 1:45:29 PM

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lisaviolet is seventy something, married with no kids, takes care of lots of cats, likes taking photographs, loves Southern California weather and spends altogether too much time avoiding her responsibilities.

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