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      Tuesday, November 17, 2009

10:52 AM - 11/17/2009

The topic: Bart update


So, after getting the fluids Sunday mid-morning and starting to perk up, he actually started eating a little more.  I took the magic Fancy Feast Tuna Feast into him and he’d eat small amounts. Because Mickey was being such a pest, I ended up putting him out of the bedroom and closing the door.

Bart would eat until I turned the bowl around so he could get to the food. So, I quit turning it and let him eat as much as he wanted.  Each time I fed him (every couple of hours) he’d eat a little more.

Even though he never ate as much as I wanted him to, he was eating. And yesterday, before noon, after he’d eaten, I gave him more metacam.  We went to the chiropractor last night and were supposed to go shopping but we just went to Denny’s for dinner, then went to the petstore, got cat food and came home.  Because I was so worried about him. 

When we got back, he was on the sofa, I started getting the cats in and he had jumped over to the coffee table, waiting for the evening kibble!

And this morning, when I made the bed, and Mickey was “helping” me, he and Bart started to wrassle. First time I’ve seen him play like this in years! I was just amazed at how much better he’s feeling today than he was four days ago. 

I’m still going to take him in this week, haven’t made the appointment yet, but it looks like he’s not ready to quit just yet.

Way to go, Bart!

YAY for Bart.  We have a 20 (and a half!) year old Calico who may be deaf as a post, but she come and demands her “tribute” (Pounce catnip treats are a favorite) in a very loud, shakey, demanding voice several times a day.

Thank God for our “Energizer Bunnies”!

Elizabeth and Trillian

Posted by Ceilidh @ Wednesday, November 18, 2009 - 9:41:17 AM

Good lad Bart!

Keep on keeping on!

Posted by Kerry Bailey @ Wednesday, November 18, 2009 - 1:26:25 PM

So glad for good news about Bart. I sometimes feel guilty about offering FF, but I won’t any more!

Posted by Carol @ Thursday, November 19, 2009 - 9:46:38 AM

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lisaviolet is seventy something, married with no kids, takes care of lots of cats, likes taking photographs, loves Southern California weather and spends altogether too much time avoiding her responsibilities.

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