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      Friday, May 10, 2019

08:46 AM - 05/10/2019

The topic: Arrgh!


Things haven't been going that smoothly for Brian this week, we were both pretty sick last month (cold) and I think he's still feeling the effects.

And he's had issues with the product his main supplier supplies and it's affecting his work product.

So, I've been trying to start doing the things I was doing before my leg got so sore last year and I got the official diagnosis, things Brian started doing so I didn't get worse, again. (How's that for a sentence?)

Like kitchen work.  Seeing how beat he was last night, I asked if he minded if I made breakfast (that will save him time in the morning). He said sure.

Now, keep in mind, I haven't really done very much out there for six months. Not keeping on top of what we're out of, what we need, etc. My planned breakfast was burritos. Eggs, turkey sausage, o'Brien potatoes (I just use the frozen ones) and cheese. Pretty simple, but also pretty tasty.

Pulling the ingredients together, I couldn't find the sausage. Brian had told me yesterday there wasn't any defrosted, no biggie. I look for it in the freezer in the garage. Nope. The kitchen. Nope. I asked him where it might be. Well, if it's not in the garage freezer and not in the kitchen freezer, we don't have any. Now, see, if it had been me, when I pulled out the last of the sausage from the box in the freezer, and threw out the empty box, I would have added it to the shopping list.

Same thing for the potatoes. We didn't have those, either.

I cooked up some bacon and used frozen hash browns, it was alright, tasty, but it wasn't what I had in mind.

I'm going to have to get used to doing this again.

After we ate, I did the dishes, cleaned off the counter and emptied the dishwasher.

Things are getting back to normal.

Where's the sun?

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lisaviolet is seventy something, married with no kids, takes care of lots of cats, likes taking photographs, loves Southern California weather and spends altogether too much time avoiding her responsibilities.

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