Well, she’s doing much better this morning. I gave her fluids last night. She ate a little.
I had put a heating pad under her towels, but it was a sucky heating pad that went off after ninety minutes. So, early this morning, a little after three, I switched it out for one that didn’t have an automatic shut off. The auto one worked okay yesterday afternoon, I know the amitriptyline helped with her nap, but I think the heating pad helped, too. So, when I peeked in on her this morning, she didn’t look all that comfortable. I set the heating pad up and placed her on that part of her bed. When I checked at four-thirty, when I opened the doors to let the kitties out, she had moved and was still laying on the heat, so I know she liked it. And this morning, she’s doing better.
She’s actually lapping more water. Before it was like watching a dragonfly lighting on the water in a pond or pool. She’d just graze it with her nose. But this morning, she’d lap. And lap. I’ve seen her do this at least four times since I’ve been up. And she nibbled on a little catnip, too. She’s always liked catnip.
So, I think she’s going to be okay, but we’re still going to the vet’s office this morning. I don’t want a replay of the beginning of this year, where she spent all that time in the hospital.