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      Monday, January 09, 2006

10:05 AM - 01/09/2006

The topic: Annie goes in for retest today


Poor little girl.  She’s still not eating much.  I know he wants me to give her the kidney diet, but if she doesn’t eat, she’ll die for sure.  So, I’m going to pick up some other little cans of cat food today.  I think it’s Nutro who makes the veal pate and I don’t think I’ve ever met a cat who doesn’t like that, not a well cat, anyway.

She nibbled on some Fancy Feast tuna this morning, actually wanted more a little later. 

I had to move the water bowl from it’s position next to her this morning, because when I gave her her morning meds, the right side of her face and head was soaking wet.  She liked to rest her head on the edge of the bowl.

I also got rid of the bowls of dry food up here because Wally was just driving me nuts.  (Always up here looking for food.  Wally has become a real tub.  Brian doesn’t agree and last night I was holding Wally and asked Brian to find Wally’s ribs for me.  He declined.)  I honestly think the fewer cats up here hanging around will be less stressful for Annie (and me).  So, think a good thought that the meds and fluids are working for her.   She is sleeping a lot more than she had been before I took her in, so that’s a good thing.  She purred for me this morning when I rubbed her face.  That’s always nice to hear.

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lisaviolet is seventy something, married with no kids, takes care of lots of cats, likes taking photographs, loves Southern California weather and spends altogether too much time avoiding her responsibilities.

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