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      Sunday, January 22, 2006

10:33 AM - 01/22/2006

The topic: Annie getting better?


Maybe just a little bit?

She’s drinking.  Not just playing with the water, but full on drinking.  She’s also eating more.  Not a lot more, but more is better than less.  Like the vet said about the blood tests two weeks ago, she’s not doing worse, but the values were a little bit better.  Not heaps and mountains, but a little bit better is better than a little bit worse or no change at all.

She’s sleeping a lot better.  She’s much more relaxed. She’s actually resting her head now, not trying to hold it up.  There were a few days when she didn’t appear to be sleeping at all.  She reminded me of when I was doing crystal meth (back when I was a hot thang).  Always awake and wide eyed.  She’d try to sleep, but couldn’t.  I’d walk into the room and she’d be looking at me.  Didn’t matter what time of the day I’d look in on her.  She just wasn’t resting at all. You know how cats are, when they’re really tired and in a deep sleep, they won’t wake up if you walk into the room.  That wasn’t happening with Annie.

I’m wondering if maybe she had some sort of infection besides the bladder infection.  And maybe it wasn’t bad enough the first round of blood tests she got, where they checked for everything.  And that they didn’t check for on the most recent tests she got.  And that maybe the antibiotics I’m giving her for the bladder infection are helping something else besides the bladder infection.

The antibiotics take three days to start showing that they work, but I think they’re working a little more quickly for her.  I hope so.  And I’m hoping the blood tests she gets this week show she’s still progressing.

Annie this morning, Wally in the background, looks up from drinking her water

Potter and Annie sleeping

One of the surprising things is how the other kitties are helping. I don't think I've seen her alone much for the past day or so. There's always some kitty sleeping next to her. Yesterday, it was Mystie and Ciara. This morning, she got some headbutts from Mystie and now Potter is sleeping next to her. Kitties I've never seen next to her are there, with her. She's not alone.

Do they feel her grieving for her brother? Do they pick up on the fact that she's not feeling well? I don't know. I do know she's not objecting to their company.

I hope she pulls through this.


Be sure to check out this week's Carnival of the Cats, which this week will be hosted by the incomparable Meryl Yourish.

I will keep her in my kitty prayers.

Posted by Debra @ Monday, January 23, 2006 - 9:12:28 AM

Oh I am very glad to hear this! She’s drinking, eating and sleeping…all positive things. I too will keep her in my prayers, and keep the Reiki coming in your direction.


Posted by Mary @ Monday, January 23, 2006 - 9:16:20 PM

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lisaviolet is seventy something, married with no kids, takes care of lots of cats, likes taking photographs, loves Southern California weather and spends altogether too much time avoiding her responsibilities.

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