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      Thursday, May 02, 2019

04:55 PM - 05/02/2019

The topic: And we’re home


Over five hundred dollars lighter in the wallet. Well, we did get a case of A/D (it's what I've been feeding Mario), refills on meds for Mario and Lorelei, so with the food, that was around a hundred and sixty dollars. The rest was for Sammy.

I'm happy to report most of his values are good. And after we get what's wrong with him taken care of, the others shouldn't be so bad. We had a full blood panel run on him and the vet also wanted to check his thyroid.

He has a herpes infection. So, he's going to be on a few drugs, most likely for life. L-Lysine paste, ursodiol, calcitriol, and gabapentin. The gabapentin is for his arthritis. The rest for the herpes. And for short term, he's back on doxycycline. His WBC was pretty high.

She couldn't even look in his eye because of the swellling. And his nose was pretty bloody, as well, all due to the herpes infection.

So, I'm going to start the meds right now.

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lisaviolet is seventy something, married with no kids, takes care of lots of cats, likes taking photographs, loves Southern California weather and spends altogether too much time avoiding her responsibilities.

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