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      Thursday, May 09, 2019

09:52 AM - 05/09/2019

The topic: Amazon window shopping


So, I'm on Amazon this morning. I picked up a couple of things on sale earlier this week, decided that I needed one more.  Just one.

We've gotten a few good sales the past week, utilities have been paid, insurances have been paid, there's a little extra in the bank. Burning a hole in my monitor. Seriously, you can see it, look right there, there's a little smoke...

Anyway, I have two of said items in my cart. Didn't push the button yet. I ask Brian "is there anything you need from Amazon?" Because if he gets something, I don't feel SO guilty about me getting something. Cat food, stuff like that, does not give me guilty feelings, because, well, it's for the cats. But electronic stuff?  Yeah, I do feel a little bad. Sometimes. For about ten minutes. And months/years down the road when I see it's still in the box, never used.....but I've gotten a lot better about that.

So, he asks "what are you getting?" 

Aw, he knows me so well....

"Well, nothing yet, I was just wondering if you had anything you wanted to add to the cart."

He's not falling for it. So, I explain.

Okay, I have all of these bluetooth speakers I've gotten over the years, from meh and woot. Opened up, tried to set them up without much success, just set them aside until later. So far, I blame it on the theory of bluetooth being above my pay grade. Which isn't really true, I just don't feel like dealing with the frustration of setting up speakers to my computer. I could run them from the phone, but meh...don't want to turn on the phone. We have a few bluetooth earphones, we use those, rarely. The speakers on my original Amazon fire don't work, bluetooth works with that, but I'm here, the headphones are over there, and it's too much work to walk over there and get them. Plus, the television is on, I might miss something important in a drug commercial.

Anyway, just looking at the Echo stuff over on Amazon, I see these things I had no idea existed. They're like Alexa for speakers. They call them "Echo Input" .

Now, I have figured out how to run the bluetooth speakers off of my Echo devices, but it shuts down the sound on the Echo. So, the sound is still only coming from one place. But with these, you can have kinda, sorta, stereo sound, depending on how many you have and where you put them.  And you can also run them through your stereo. I bought three of them. I wanted one more. So, bathroom, living room, garage and outside, maybe? I'm pretty sure I have enough bluetooth speakers.

Anyway, he just laughs. But he came back to the office and got some stuff for welding. And I got my Echo Input. Just one.

And if they'd been full price, I wouldn't have gotten any. But right now, they've got fifteen dollars off of the normal price.

No more toys until I get these set up, no idea how long that will take. Maybe years. Hah!

And Silhouette is coming out with Cameo 4 later this year....with different cutting widths depending on which version you get.  Bet that's a crapton of money.  My little headvoice was shoved back into the closet last night after being told it didn't need a cutting width of fifteen or twenty inches, just think of the accessories you'd need and you're doing just fine with the twelve incher, now go back to sleep, you noisy little irritant.

I think that worked. Because the headvoice hasn't once suggested finding video for the new Cameos....it wants to know when this cloudy, sucky weather will go away and we can put the new extension cord out in the sun to help it be more flexible to set the range extender properly.

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lisaviolet is seventy something, married with no kids, takes care of lots of cats, likes taking photographs, loves Southern California weather and spends altogether too much time avoiding her responsibilities.

In her spare time, she makes pretty things to sell in her store.

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