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      Monday, January 04, 2021

01:59 PM - 01/04/2021

The topic: Almost two months later….


Life has just been weird the past couple of months. Lots of little annoying things, nothing really big, but just not a lot of incentive to add to this weblog.

I got a new router that didn't do as much as I thought it would. The router is at one end of the house, in the office, and we live on the other end. Diagonally. Our fireplace (that we never use because I'm not gonna clean it) is stonework on both sides (it's a diagonal wall between the family room and the living room) and the signal has a tough time getting through cleanly. It took some trial and error with different range extenders to get the signal so that when we watch streaming shows, there's no buffering.

And I've been trying to make tv things easier for Brian. I'd like him to have some choice in what we watch at night. He's fine with the cable remote, but hitting the Roku or Amazon streamers, he's lost. I did find a universal remote that works along with Alexa or Google, still trying to figure it out. "Alexa, switch to Roku" is hopefully something I'll be able to get it to do.

I finally finished the holiday cards between keeping the internet up (part of the router problem which was a priority - no internet, no work. But I'm hoping it's okay at this point. I need a break.). I didn't get them sent out until the Wednesday before Christmas.

Then I somehow hurt my back. Left butt cheek. For two weeks I was certain my left hip had gone out. But it got better. Whew. Probably hurt it climbing up and down on stools cleaning up device connections. You know, like the router and range extenders.

And it's been cold. I don't do cold. Well, I do, but me doing cold is a blanket over me on the sofa. And for most of my life, a blanket over me means time to sleep. Don't get much done sleeping.

And the arthritis in my right hand has been acting up, so that's pretty sucky as well.

I did finish making containers for my stamp pads with my 3D printer. So, working with stamps should be a lot less frustrating since I don't have to dig through piles of different colored ink pads. The boxes took about twenty hours each and I learned that my printer will resume after turned back on after a power outage. (Helium filled mylar balloons hit a power line a couple of weeks ago.) And I also learned how to change out the filament when running out is pretty close and the project isn't even half done.

And, let's see...the truck needed a bunch of work done on it (and one of the problems wasn't resolved, it needs to go to an electrical shop) and I actually drove down to the repair shop to pick Brian up! First time I drove in close to two years.

And this morning I actually drove to the vet's office to get fluids for Mario. Look out! I'm back in the driver's seat!

Mario is slowing way down. I can't imagine he'll be with us come spring time. But he might surprise us. I hope he does.

Little Bitty Dawg has had some health problems this last month. He quit eating and the vet ran blood tests and there was a problem with his liver values as well as his pancreas. After a week of meds (Denamarin), we took him in for a recheck on the bloodwork on Christmas eve and the pancreas was perfect, the liver value, which should be around 160, was 500. It had been over 1500 the week before. So, he's still on medication, but he's doing lots better. Last night was the first night since he got sick that he spent the entire night in bed. And his appetite is back. The bad appetite was what alerted to the problem in the first place.

(I put some Blue Emo cream on my athritis finger about twenty minutes ago and almost no pain!)

I noticed mid month last month that the weather cam was no longer working. We got a new one and Brian installed it last week. It's pretty cool. I'm working on getting a little streaming feed, but am not having much luck.

And that's about it.




router    mario    jingles    catstuff   

I’d like to see the boxes for your stamp pads ... grin
Also it had been so long since I looked at your weather cam I forgot about it so thanks for the link.

Posted by Turtle Lover @ Wednesday, January 06, 2021 - 5:28:26 AM

lisaviolet's avatar

I’ll do that. I’ll take pictures and have links to the file on Thingiverse and the page that has instructions on changing the size of the box for printing.

Posted by lisaviolet @ Wednesday, January 06, 2021 - 6:44:15 AM

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lisaviolet is seventy something, married with no kids, takes care of lots of cats, likes taking photographs, loves Southern California weather and spends altogether too much time avoiding her responsibilities.

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