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      Sunday, November 08, 2009

04:37 PM - 11/08/2009

The topic: All done!


It went very smoothly, the worst part was all the dust and stuff inside of the case.  I blew most of it out.  It blew back in my face, that was pretty unpleasant, but there’s a lot less dust in there now. And it sounds quieter than it did.

I also switched out the monitor for my old one, but he really needs to get rid of some of those file things he’s got from when he used to work a lot and had a lot of paperwork. All he has now are tractor manuals and catalogs.   I just counted, he’s got two columns with eleven each, one with twelve. And no paperwork.  The cable from the monitor to the computer is so tight, there’s no give at all.  So, he’s got a little work to do when he gets home.

And I’m so happy with the way it works, that I ordered additional RAM for the other two computers in here.  This should be fun. 

The only sucky thing was when I went to Trend Micro to get an additional license for the fourth computer, there was no discount.  So, I did a little online search and found another website that has it for cheap and it covers three computers.  Is it legal?  I dunno.  But I’ll be damned if I’ll pay forty bucks to cover one computer when I’ve been spending over seventy a year to cover three, you know?  Just didn’t seem fair, especially since I’m the only person using three of the computers.  One has three webcams, very little surfing on that one.  And this one, the one I do everything from. And the new one will most likely be used for graphics and movies since it’s made for stuff like that.

Anyway, my back is stiff from bending over and doing this stuff, I’m sure my nose is packed with old computer fuzz.  I should take a shower.

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lisaviolet is seventy something, married with no kids, takes care of lots of cats, likes taking photographs, loves Southern California weather and spends altogether too much time avoiding her responsibilities.

In her spare time, she makes pretty things to sell in her store.

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