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      Monday, January 13, 2014

07:58 AM - 01/13/2014

The topic: About that mosaic


It's pretty cool. There are different ways to "tile" the image. For example, two portrait, one landscape, two portrait, one landscape and the next line is offset a little. Or two landscape, one portrait. A lot of options. You can choose the final size of the graphic and how many pictures you want in it (the final amount isn't exactly what you choose, but it's pretty close). And you can choose the amount of tinting so your main image (mine was Mickey with the pinwheel) is more prominent. I think I choose thirty percent.

The software looks at all of the images it has to choose from and puts them in order. I've taken a couple of examples from the one I made. You can get an idea of how the software works. 

MIckey's ear (and I just noticed a sideways picture! I thought I'd found them all....)



Mickey's elbow:

Mickey's hand:


You can see how the software worked with the shading in the original photo, doing a bit of tinting to enhance the Mickey graphic. The dark photos were taken on rides, in restaurants or at night. 

I think this is a great piece of software, you can spend hours playing with it. If you like this type of thing, I'm sure you'd love this. It's fun and amazing. Check it out. AndreaMosaic.

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lisaviolet is seventy something, married with no kids, takes care of lots of cats, likes taking photographs, loves Southern California weather and spends altogether too much time avoiding her responsibilities.

In her spare time, she makes pretty things to sell in her store.

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