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      Monday, May 03, 2021

09:04 AM - 05/03/2021

The topic: About Rory


Back on Monday, April 19, we noticed that Rory was having some sort of litterbox issue. Since she's getting older and has been losing weight, I made an appointment for a check up. Including a complete blood panel and thyroid check.

The appointment was that Thursday (the 22nd). The bloodwork wouldn't be done until the following day, it had to be sent out and they were unable to get any urine for testing. I had to bring her back in on Friday morning.

So, they got the urine, the test were run. Not as bad as they could have been but they weren't all that good. She has mid-stage kidney disease and her thyroid isn't doing its job. The vet prescribed daily subQ fluids (100cc) for the kidney problem and methamazole for the thyroid. We're okay with the fluids, I replenished the stock on the 22nd, and I still had the methamazole left over from her mom (Lorelei).  When the vet called to tell me the results, she also said she wanted to see Rory in a week. Rory had her followup checkup last Friday.

Results were a little worse. So, Rory is also getting a phosphorus binder, Epatikin. The vet ordered it for me from their pharmacy, but it would be shipped more quickly from Amazon (it was here on Sunday, better than 4-8 days from the pharmacy) and there was also free shipping. All in all about twelve dollars less.

She hates the methamazole. She takes the fluids nicely, though. She lays there and just purrs. I was concerned about the Epatikin, but adding it to people tuna seemed to be something she liked.

Her fur has that spikey look that cats who aren't feeling well have. Her appetite has been off and she does seem to be eating a little more than she had been.

She's supposed to go back for another recheck next week. I hope her values have improved. She's a pretty nice little cat.

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Have you tried transdermal methamazole. I have had several Thyroid cats and the transdermal methmazole you just put it on their ear and I kept my cat Rumpers alive for quite a while using this on her ear.

Posted by Suzanne T Miller @ Wednesday, May 19, 2021 - 3:37:03 PM

lisaviolet's avatar

We did discuss the transdermal, but the tech checked on it and right now, since we’re trying to get the dosage correct and he felt it wouldn’t be a good idea because it’s difficult to get it just right.

She takes it, she’s not happy, but if I do it just right, it’s not that big of a thing. It’s just something we both have to get used to.

Posted by lisaviolet @ Thursday, May 20, 2021 - 12:36:58 PM

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lisaviolet is seventy something, married with no kids, takes care of lots of cats, likes taking photographs, loves Southern California weather and spends altogether too much time avoiding her responsibilities.

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