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      Sunday, December 22, 2013

10:18 AM - 12/22/2013

The topic: Aaaaand once again


I'm months behind in my paperwork. 

Looks like I haven't made any payment entries since September, the last bank statement I reconciled was August's. I haven't sent out any invoices since September (invoices get sent when the products get shipped). I've got stacks of estimates, payments, UPS shipment information and another stack of other paperwork that's personal that needs to be filed.

I keep saying that I won't let this happen again. And then I let it happen again.

Well, gee, there's always something else I need to do, you know?  Like not doing anything in October (like reconciling the September bank statement) because I was so busy getting ready for the Disney meet. Then I had to rest up from the Disney meet. And then there was Halloween, that took up a whole day! And I know there was something going on in November, oh, yeah, I remember, I had to make mashed potatoes for Thanksgiving. And my Christmas cards, I had to make my Christmas cards, that did take a couple of weeks (pictures eventually). 

And the only person I exchange gifts with, this year it was to be homemade and less than twenty bucks in materials. I made her an advent calendar (pictures eventually and I'll probably be making these to sell in my store), that took some time. So, there goes November. Then I had to address my cards and get them mailed out, I had to do that my mother-in-law's newsletter (it was small, but I had to use the paper cutter to get it to the perfect size to fit in the envelopes she wanted to use - she didn't want to fold the paper) and the pictures of her newest great-grandchildren, I volunteered to print those out here at home (since I had the photo paper - from my grasshopper days - bless those grasshopper days, they'll be keeping me busy for years).

Then we went to Disneyland on the 8th, spent the night at Pavilion's Best Western ($103 for one night and after I'd made those reservations, I got an email from Best Western that I was chosen to get a fifty dollar email rewards card, knocked the price down to $53 for the night -mail). Then I had to download the video I took and try to get it uploaded to the interwebs, YouTube spit it back at me saying I was using someone else's music (it was?) so then I worked on getting it uploaded to one of my websites. 

Then last week allergies were kicking my butt (I know I've described the feeling in my right ear that it needs to pop, but it won't; all that pressure makes it difficult to do anything - I asked my doctor about it, he said it was probably allergies and my eustacean tube was blocked, he had me open my mouth and say "ah" and I almost choked, started coughing...yeah, allergies, sadly the only thing that works is Benedryl and that puts me right to sleep). And then I had a lower intestine/bowel thing, a problem I've had since my twenties, seems Benedryl can cause constipation, oh, yeah, there we go. So, I can hold my head up before I go to sleep, then I get some pretty bad cramping. Yeah, it's all good. *lol* I think I'm starting to hit human again.

Oh, and I finally got disgusted with Internet Explorer. So, I started using Chrome, but my webcams didn't work, a problem with java, it seems, so it took a couple of days to sort that out (old version of Firefox and Chrome, old version of java and all of my old applets are working again). I'm still trying to adjust to Chrome.

Then there was the fact that I overwrote over 2300 entries in my weblog with nothing. Nice. Took a couple of days to come to terms with that. 

I did sign up for Covered California, our state's version of Obamacare. We're so broke that we'll be saving $462.00 a month in premiums for better care and paying less for the same doctor visits that we had with our previous insurance provider - thanks for pulling out of California, Aetna, hope your butthurt won't be too bad in the coming months. Oh, who am I kidding, I hope you can't even sit down, you rat bastards. At least we found a plan where we keep our doctor. Another big yay!  

I don't know why all these news reports of people having problems signing up are about. It was a pretty simple process, once you get the hang of the website. What took me the longest was taking the state portion and instruction sheets out of our Turbo Tax PDF of last year's fax forms. Of course, there was the notice that you aren't covered until you send payment, "wait for notification". That came Friday, payment was on it's way Saturday. So, we'll be covered here in California on the 1st of January. Dear Aetna, suck it. Sincerely, Dianne.

Well, I've got my piles of paperwork sorted (kinda). I'm gonna go take a shower then get busy with it. Unless I start baking. You know, I always make cookies this time of year for the vet's, mailman, trashman, etc....oh, what the heck, I'll make New Year cookies, today, I'm going to choke myself with paperwork. That always helps my attitude.

But I guess there's always something I'd rather be doing.

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lisaviolet is seventy something, married with no kids, takes care of lots of cats, likes taking photographs, loves Southern California weather and spends altogether too much time avoiding her responsibilities.

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