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      Wednesday, March 06, 2019

02:00 PM - 03/06/2019

The topic: Things are plugging along

It might get even slower here on the blog. My surgery is Friday, which is one of the reasons I haven't been adding entries, getting as much out of the way as possible.

Lots of phone calls, forms, things like that.

Cats seem to be doing fine, Pancho has a cold, Nooby is still here, he always has access to dry food and Brian takes warmed up soft food at night. He still stays out of sight.

So, we just got the sheets on the bed changed (one of the things in my booklet) and put the clean bedspread and comforter back on the bed.

I'm trying to get used to the walker so I won't be lost when I get home. I wanted to decorate it, but just don't have the energy right now.

Brian got a cheap lawn chair at Walmart to use as a shower chair in his shower. We ordered a corner thingy for me to put my shampoo and stuff in his shower, since the tub won't be an option. He's supposed to pick that up this afternoon.

All that's left is I need to vacuum and take three showers. My skin is gonna be so dried out.

Anyway, with any luck, next time I post here, I'll have a new, working, hip.


      Tuesday, March 19, 2019

06:50 AM - 03/19/2019

The topic: So, here’s what’s been going on

I'm alive and kicking. The new hip is settling in nicely. I'm at the point now where I'm taking short walks up the street with the help of a walker. Well, the rollater that we borrowed from Brian's brother since the road is asphalt and works better with four wheels than the regular walker.

My regular walker has a bicycle bell and a basket. That basket has come in mighty handy for moving stuff around the house.

The roughest part for me is the inactivity. I'm so used to going and grabbing this, then sitting down. Oh, I forgot that, and getting up to get that. Or having to pee every ten minutes (that's an exaggeration, but it sure feels like that at times) and standing up to head to the bathroom, without the walker. Yeah, not a good idea. And I can't cross my legs. Even at the ankles.

The bandage came off last Friday, a week after surgery. Saturday, I took my first shower since the morning of the surgery. It was nice. I had to take it in Brian's shower, since it's easier to get in and out of that shower and the chair I had to sit in fit. We got a storage post for the corner and all of my bath stuff is there. The shower was nice. I'd gotten a little lounging dress on Amazon and since Brian had done all of the laundry, it was clean and fresh. I had been wearing a little duster thingy one of my friends sent to me, but it was getting pretty ripe after a week of wearing it non-stop. Even in bed.  lol

Another thing is I'm not supposed to sit with my feet on the floor for longer than fifteen minutes at a time. Because of the possibility of leg swelling, so I have to be careful there. I admit I've pushed that envelope a couple of times, with no bad results.

Yes, there's pain, but the pills help. So far the oxycodone isn't making me loopy like what happened with the sciatica. And I finally found a combination to help me sleep. I let air out of my side of the bed, then take an oxy with the other before bed meds and I'm sleeping like four hours at a shot. That's nice. Sleep is always good. The first week home, I spent a lot of time sleeping, but not so much anymore.

I'm worried about Mario. He's really having a hard time. Brian took him to the vet last week and she sent him home with gabapentin for his back and doxycycline for his congestion. I didn't like how he reacted to the gabapentin, so I quit giving him so much. And every couple of hours, I bring him some watered down A/D. Not real watered down, just a little to make lapping easier. The first time I brought it to him, he pulled his head away. But the next day he ate a little. The next time a little more and now he's eating at least a can a day. And he's standing better. (Remember, he was diagnosed with stenosis a few years back and time is taking its toll on him.)  This morning, he actually sat up waiting for me to bring him food (he hangs out on the bed). (Did I mention the basket on my walker is a lifesaver?) I hope we can bring him through this. I know it might take time, but time is something I have plenty of right now.

Brian has really stepped up to the plate with my surgery. He keeps track of my pills (I made an Excel spread sheet), feeds me, brings me water, just absolutely amazing how much he's doing, with no complaints at all. He never makes me feel like this is a chore he'd rather not be doing. I haven't been able to take a Zip Fizz for three weeks because it has vitamin E in it, something about blood clotting, so this vitamin is something I had to avoid for ten days before surgery and ten days after. This morning was day twenty-two and I was ready for my Zip Fizz. When I was feeding Mario in the bedroom, Brian filled my water bottle, added the Zip Fizz, shook it up and brought it to me.

What a guy!

Oh, Nooby is still around! He's a little more visible during the day and in the evening, when Brian feeds the cats, Noobs waits patiently for his meal. We can see him laying by the feeding station. He moves when Brian shows up, but it doesn't take long for him to make his way to the bowl with the warm wet food once Brian walks away. I watched on the roof cam yesterday and watched Spotty walk up there and sit next to Nooby while he was eating. I'd love to be outside watching, but the walkers aren't conducive to yard travel.

So, that's about it for now. Just wanted to give a quick update.

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lisaviolet is seventy something, married with no kids, takes care of lots of cats, likes taking photographs, loves Southern California weather and spends altogether too much time avoiding her responsibilities.

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